Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 28, 2013-Embracing the Wisdom of Experience

Lord, I pray that we don't despise the old in hopes of the new. I pray that we learn to hear the wisdom of the old and the experienced. As pure oil that has become smooth from the right amount of experience, let us receive the anointing from Your Spirit that brings us the wisdom we need to discover and remain on the path You've set before us.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 21, 2013-Song-Filled Heart

Prayer focus for December 21-27, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Williams Lake Church of the Nazarene
2840 Airport Rd.

Father God I pray this week that the residents of Waterford wake up with a song in their hearts. I pray they are filled with peace and Your presence, that You are on their thoughts as they awaken and their hearts are filled with praise and joy. Let this be a week filled with peace, joy and remembrance, with appreciation, of Your beautiful gift of salvation. Thank You Lord Jesus for the gift of Your presence!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 14, 2013- Sweet Name of Jesus

Prayer focus for December 14-21, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Waterford Oaks Community Church
2950 Watkins Lake Rd.

Lord I pray that during this season when the Name of Jesus is spoken that it comes from pure hearts that are filled with love towards You. That Your Name is spoken from lips that worship You. That the Name of Jesus is recognized for all it represents--Your love, Your salvation, Your healing and delivering power. At the mention of Your Name all creation trembles. At the sound of Your Name the blind see and the lame walk. The addicted are delivered, the demons flee and the sick are healed. Let us recognize both the sweetness and the power of Your Name O Lord!

Acts 2:21, Acts 3:6, Isaiah 66:2

Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7, 2013--Old and New

Prayer focus for December 7-13, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Waterford Lighthouse Christian Center
3584 Lake Oakland Shores Dr.

"One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts." Psalm 145:4

God, let the old and the new, the young and the old, worship You together. Let those who know You be an example to those who don't and to those who are young in the faith. Let the merging together of the fresh and the stable create a sweet fragrance of worship. May the blend of all generations of those who worship You be an offering You are well pleased with!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30, 2013- Cheerful Giving

Prayer focus for Nov. 30-Dec. 6, 2013
This week's church prayer is for
Waterford Church of Christ
4991 Williams Lake Rd
The Bible tells us when showing mercy to do so with cheerfulness. It says when we give to do so as we have purposed in our heart—not grudgingly or under compulsion. Don’t give just because you feel forced or make an impulsive decision. Do it because you want to—you have purposed in your heart to do it, because God loves a cheerful giver. He cares not just about the gifts we give but the attitude we have when we give. “A joyful heart makes a cheerful face.” When our hearts are joyful our face will be cheerful.

I pray that the heart of Waterford becomes joyful. I pray that we seek for God’s joy and goodness. I pray we go after it, that we press into the presence of God so we can find His place of goodness and mercy. I pray His goodness and mercy fill our hearts full of joy so we overflow with goodness and mercy ourselves. I pray that we give cheerfully, that we show mercy cheerfully. I pray we don’t pass by those who need our help but we give, and when we do we do it because we want to and are happy to give, not because we feel obligated or pressured. God, fill us so full of Your joy and goodness that we just can’t help but have it bubble over onto those around us!

2 Corinthians 9, Romans 12:8, Proverbs 15:13, Luke 10:30-37

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 23, 2013--Hearts of the Businesses

Prayer focus for November 23-29, 2013
This week's church prayer is for
Waterford Community Church
3900 Airport Rd.

I pray for the businesses in Waterford. I pray that the hearts of the business owner’s turn towards the Lord. That the core purpose of the businesses within the township be that of worship and consecration to the Lord. Holiness to the Lord. I pray all the people of Waterford lift up their eyes to the Lord and look to Him to discover their purpose. I pray for the prosperity of God to flood them as they do that which they were created to do. Let the worshipers of Waterford arise! Let their praise arise and do battle against the schemes of the enemy that would try and destroy the dreams of Waterford. Let an army of children rise up, run and declare the goodness of God. The spirits of lawlessness, selfishness and greed be stopped. That the chains of addiction be broken. Let a spirit of giving and love for one another flow as a river of life throughout the township, watering the land, bringing growth and prosperity.

 Joshua 6:20

Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 16, 2013- Prepare the Way

Prayer focus for November 9-15, 2013
This week's church prayer is for
Waterford Baptist Cathedral
2640 Airport Rd.

I pray for all Waterford churches that they fulfill their God-given purpose. That they be refreshed, revived, renewed. That any plans that are not of God fall by the way side. That they return to their first love.

Land, land, land of Waterford, hear the Word of the Lord—Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!  I come against any demonic influences trying to infiltrate Waterford—the kids, schools, churches, government etc. In the Name of Jesus any and all influences of witchcraft be stopped and removed. Instead let the atmosphere of Waterford be filled with praise and the preaching and speaking of the Word of God. Let complaints and sarcasm be turned instead into words of life and healing. Prepare the way of the Lord—turn your hearts to Him!

Rev.2:4; Jeremiah 22:29, Acts 16:31, Mark 16:17, Numbers 14, Luke 3:2-6

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 9, 2013 --Tend to His Garden

Prayer focus for November 9-15, 2013
This week's church prayer is for
Trinity United Methodist Church
6440 Maceday Dr.

 In the Garden of Eden before the fall man tended to the garden of God. God created, man cultivated. Through this partnership, the glory of God’s creation continued to be explored, discovered, enhanced and revealed. All could see just how magnificent God really is. I pray God’s people partner with Him in cultivating the garden of Waterford.

Let the beautiful seeds, the potential, of Waterford be tended to by God’s people and brought to their fullest potential. Let Waterford become a place of worship. A place of rest for the Lord. Let the people discover their unique gifts and purpose in life, their individual expression of worship. Breathe your breath of life into the nostrils of Waterford O God so we become living souls that tend to Your garden, declare Your glory and reveal Your grandeur. Blow with the breathe of the Spirit upon Waterford. Speak Your words of life and truth. Let all of Waterford—the land and the lives, the young and the old—hear and obey the sound of Your voice.  Let it happen not just in the churches, but in homes, businesses, parks and in the streets. Let the sound of worship rise! A safe place, a birthplace of worship.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 2, 2013 - Breathe in His loving thoughts

Prayer focus for November 2-November 8, 2013
This week's church prayer is for
Shekinah Temple Assembly of God

Let me find my unique way of praising You.
The way you created me to praise.
What were Your thoughts towards me at the start?
Breathe Your Holy Spirit into me!
I will breathe in Your breath
I will breathe in Your loving thoughts.
And I will breathe out my praise to You!

“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God
How vast is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with You."
Psalm 139:17-18

Saturday, October 26, 2013

October 26, 2013 - The Garden

Prayer focus for October 26-November 1, 2013
This week's church prayer is for
Seventh Day Adventist
5725 Pontiac Lake Rd

Waterford, become a beautiful garden. Cultivate the seed God has planted within you. Let the work of our hands and the breath of our words declare the majesty of God. Let the gifts within us germinate and grow into a beautiful expression of the glory of God.

Waterford, sing of the goodness of God! Seek, worship and touch Him with the song of your heart. Let the land of the earth and the earth of our bodies worship Him.

 Genesis 2, Acts 17:26-28

Saturday, October 19, 2013

October 19, 2013--Out With the Old

Prayer focus for October 19-25, 2013
This week's church prayer is for
Scott Lake Baptist Church
811 Scott Lake Rd.

When a cup overflows with running water, any dirty thing that was in the cup is replaced with the new. The new and fresh replaces the old and dirty. When we run the living water through our minds then the old, stagnant thoughts are replaced with the new, vibrant, living thoughts of God which lead us in holiness and righteousness. We need the fresh new water ever day—the living water of the Word of God and the living rivers of the Holy Spirit.

Lord we come to drink freely today from Your living waters.

Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, John 7:38, 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, Ephesians 5:25-27

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 12, 2013 - Pray for those who represent us

Prayer focus for October 12-18, 2013
This week's church prayer is for
Sacred Spirit Chapel
3442 Loon Lake Shores

The Bible tells us when the upright and the righteous are blessed then a city is exalted and rejoices. In a republic, like we have in the United States, the government is of the people. The leaders represent the people. Our leaders are like a condensed version of the people they represent. The battles the people are going through will be the battles that our leaders go through, but most likely in a greater way. Rather than pointing fingers at them when they do wrong we need to pray for them. If we become their accusers, judge and critic apart from the Spirit of God but from a self-centered, self-righteous attitude then we are helping to bring them down not deliver them from the ungodly influences they face. Our leaders need to clearly see both the heart of the people and the heart of God. We need to pray for clarity of vision so they may have the discernment and wisdom necessary to see through the murky clouds the enemy brings to try and cloud their vision.

We also need to overcome the battles we face in order to help our leaders gain victory in their battles At times we need to voice our opinion to our leaders, they need to know the opinion of the people they represent. And yes, maybe they need to be held accountable for their actions at times, but much of the battle is done spiritually and as we gain victory in our own lives it will affect the spiritual atmosphere our leaders are in as well. The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but rather bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Don’t underestimate the power of your life or your thoughts and opinions. Bring every one into line with Jesus Christ—the Word of God. This will bring victory not only to your life but to our cities, states and nation as well!

Proverbs 11:10-11, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Saturday, October 5, 2013

October 5, 2013- Stone that Stands

Prayer focus for October 5-12, 2013
This week's church prayer is for
St. Stephen Lutheran Church
3795 Sashabaw Rd.

God is building His Kingdom. It's not a building made with hands--not of brick and stone. But His people are the building. He's building a dwelling place for Himself. He is fitting us together into a "holy temple" and a "dwelling of God in the Spirit." 

The most important thing about a building is the foundation. The foundation must be secure or the whole building will collapse. The foundation must be strong enough and designed to be able to handle the weight of the entire building. Jesus Christ is the corner stone of this foundation. He is the foundation itself. He is the only foundation that will carry the weight of the building. No one else can. All of us--those who believe in Jesus and allow Him to be the foundation of our lives--have a unique place in this building. Each one of us are designed to fit into a certain spot. To do that, we need to not only build upon Jesus Christ but connect to other believers as well. We all help each other stay on the foundation.

Wherever our place in the building, we must always fix our gaze upon Jesus--He is the author and finisher of our faith. As Paul said, be careful how you build on the foundation. Be sure to keep Jesus Christ as your foundation. Don't venture off on to any other ground--there is none other that will stand! He endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him. When we fulfill our purpose we will share in the same joy--joy unspeakable and full of glory!

Father God may we each keep our foundation on You and find the place You have called us to!

Ephesians 2:20, 2 Corinthians 5:1, Ephesians 2:18-22, 1 Corinthians 3:9-23, Hebrews 12:1-3, 1 Peter 1:8, Matthew 25, Acts 4:12

Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 28, 2013 - He speaks

Prayer focus for September 21-28, 2013 
This weeks prayer focus is for
St. Perpetuas Church
134 Airport Rd.

Waterford, rise up and worship your King. Rejoice and declare all His goodness and greatness. Then, listen for His voice. Look for His languages for He speaks in many ways.

He speaks in words.
He speaks in sunrises and sunsets.
He speaks through birds, brooks and streams.
He speaks through the smells of families sharing a meal.
He speaks through the large trees and boulders.
He speaks through the small pebbles and flowers.
He speaks through the seed that is planted in the ground and dies
so that it will grow and comes to maturity.
He speaks through laughter in the voices of children.
Open your heart and hear, see , taste, smell and touch the voice of God.
He is right here waiting for you.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 21, 2013 - The Breath that Speaks

Prayer focus for September 21-28, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
St. Benedict Catholic Church
80 S. Lynn

There is a certain physics to heaven. God’s work brings rest, where man’s work brings toil. God’s work perpetuates—like the earth that keeps spinning once God set it in motion. Our work, even our prayers or religious efforts, are not meant to be performed from a human spirit disconnected from the Spirit of God. If they are, they will not remain, they will lose energy and stop. Man was not meant to work apart from the breath—the Spirit—of God.

How does God work? The Spirit of God hovered over the formless earth and then God spoke. This is how He works. The Word of God, when spoken with the breath of God creates and gives life. God breathed into Adam’s nostrils the breathe of life. Jesus breathed on His disciples and said to receive the Holy Spirit. God has given us His Spirit—His breath—and He has given us His Word—Jesus! We have the Spirit and the Word in us, just like God did when He created the world. The Spirit and the Word together carry the authority of God to create, to give life, freedom and all that His Word says. We can speak His Word with His breath and the same power that created the world is released!

Let’s determine to speak, breathe, the Word of God by the Spirit of God over our lives, our families, our church, our workplace, our cities, state and nation!

Genesis 2:1-3, Genesis 3:17-19, Genesis 1, John 20:22

Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 14, 2013 - Fishing Nets for Souls!

Prayer focus for September 14-20, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
5301 Hatchery Rd

God is exchanging fishing lines for fishing nets! Let us bring in a harvest of souls for You Lord! Calling those who have rebelled against You, even the violent and the predators and those who have preyed upon the innocent.. Calling the backslider and those who have wandered away from the faith.  Hear the call of the Lord and respond to the sound of His voice! Multitudes of souls for You Lord!

Matthew 4:19

Friday, September 6, 2013

September 6, 2013 - The Wind of the Spirit in Your Land Today

Prayer focus for September 6-13, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Pontiac Hmong Alliance Church
220 N Cass Lake Rd

Whatever “land” you are living in now, even if its not the land of your calling, live as if it were. Pray for this land because if it does well, you do well. When the time is fulfilled, the Lord will bring you to the land He has promised you. A good place with a future and a hope. A place where you will call upon Him and pray and He will listen. You will seek and search for Him with all your heart and will find Him. In this place, fortunes are restored. The things that have been stolen from you will be returned.

We are in the lands we are in order to bring us to a place of seeking Him. All along, God’s plans for you are to fellowship with you. He wants you to want Him. This is always His plan. He knows the plans He has for you are good—plans with a future and a hope. He wants you to know the same thing. He wants you to call on Him, pray, seek and search for Him with all your heart. He wants to listen to you, be found by you and restore you.

Where you are right now in your life—allow yourself to be influenced by the Holy Spirit. You don’t need to wait, you can allow the wind of the Spirit to influence you now. Do what is set before you to do, but while influenced by the Spirit. In the beginning the Holy Spirit moved, and God said. Sometimes looking where you've come from helps to give you direction for the future—like two points to an arrow. With just one point you might be unsure of your direction, but with that second point a direction can be seen. The ancient landmarks of the past might be what you need to look at for direction for the future. If you are born of the Spirit, your life joins with the wind Jesus spoke of in John 3. As you connect with the Spirit of God, His sound will be heard in your life today and the direction you are going will become clear.

Jeremiah 29, Acts 17:26-27, Genesis 1, Proverbs 22:28, John 3:8

Saturday, August 31, 2013

August 31, 2013 - School Prayer

Prayer focus for August 31-September 6, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Peace Lutheran Church
7390 Elizabeth Lake Rd

Father God, I pray for the protection of all Waterford Schools—physical, emotional, spiritual, and in every way. That no harm or evil befall the schools or the children. I make the proclamation according to Your Word that no demonic spirits of lawlessness, homosexuality, bullying, criticism, intolerance, rebellion, addiction, party spirits, laziness, irresponsibility, ADD, hyperactivity or any and all demonic forces gain victory over these kids. Anything that would try and give them a negative learning, school or childhood experience or that would try and lead them away from You Father, will have no success. No plagues, lice, outbreaks of diseases, epidemics or pandemics will come to these kids or schools.

Father God I ask for blessing and favor on behalf of these schools and these children. I pray they have a positive, healthy learning and social environment. I pray for the teachers, leaders, principals, school staff, vendors, volunteers, coaches, parents and guardians, for their protection as well and that they have a true and sincere love and compassion for these children. That You give them godly wisdom as to what’s best for these kids and that they act on that. That they have all the resources to accomplish this and Your will for these schools. I pray for them and all the students and families that they respond to the drawing of the Holy Spirit. That they come to discover Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. That the deceptive forces of hell have no effect on them. Blinders and veils be removed from their mind, hearts, eyes and ears and let the light of the glorious gospel of Christ shine in their hearts so they believe.

Father God, give them dreams, visions and a revelation of Jesus Christ. Let there be angelic visitations to do Your bidding, will, plan and purpose. Let there be God coincidences so they know You are real and that You care for them and love them. Let the Name of Jesus be freely spoken in honor and respect, praise and worship. Let praise and worship of You rise up from these kids and these schools. Jesus Christ is Lord over Waterford--including the schools and churches! Let the kids discover God given gifts and talents and make wise godly decisions, develop healthy friendships and relationships. Direct their paths O Lord and cause them to make the right connections for their future. Orchestrate their lives as only You can. Let them excel. Let their minds be free to learn and let them be free from all yokes of the enemy. Let the families of students, teachers and staff not be abusive—physically, verbally, emotionally, sexually or in any other evil way, in their homes, at the schools or school or family events. May the families and kids come to know Jesus Christ and draw closer to Him each and every day. Let the predators be stopped, exposed and caught. Let selfishness and self seeking motives be replaced with godly love.

Build Your kingdom O God in Waterford. In these schools and families represented here. Let there be creative worship art from these kids. Have Your way. Let them think of You in honor and respect; let them love and worship You every day. Meet them in the mornings, speak to them throughout they day, be there with them at night.

I pray for the Waterford board of education and the State board of education. That they work to build Your kingdom O God. That the laws, policies, procedures and practices be in line with Your will and purpose. That they are pro Christian, intolerant of agendas contrary to Your purposes. May they have godly wisdom to stand against demonic forces that come against these kids. May each and every member draw closer to You every day. Let them have courage, wisdom, strength, resources and favor to oppose the devils schemes. Impart Your presence and life in Jesus’ Holy, blessed and powerful Name, Amen!

Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4; Romans 1:20-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Psalm 91; 1 Timothy 2:1-2; James 1:5-6; Hebrews 1:14; Acts 2:16-17; Matthew 6:10

Saturday, August 24, 2013

August 24, 2013 - Many Languages

Prayer focus for August 24-30, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Our Lady of the Lakes
5501 Dixie Highway

God speaks in many languages. In sights, sounds and smells as well as in words, thoughts and feelings. Lord, let us hear the totality of Your voice. Let us hear all that You are saying to us and not just part of it. Let us listen and watch for all of Your languages, Your entire voice and not just what we have become familiar with. We need to know all You are saying to us!

There are many languages of worship. Lord God, help us to worship, not just with words, but let our sights, sounds and smells be pleasing to You as well as our thoughts and feelings. Let our entire being—and all that we think, do and create—be offered as worship to You. Let us make a place in our life, our neighborhood and our town, that is comfortable for You. Come dwell with us!

“...And they urged Him, saying, “Stay with us,...” Luke 24:29 NASB

Saturday, August 17, 2013

August 17, 2013 - Northeast Quadrant Prayer Walk

August 17, 2013
Northeast Quadrant Prayer Walk

Prayer focus for August 17-23, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Oakbrooke Bible Church
3750 Pontiac Lake Rd.

Father God I pray Your people are led by Your Holy Spirit and not led by deceptive influences.   I pray Your people don’t get on paths that would lead them away from Your purposes, that they don’t eat the fruit that will be destructive to them. I pray Your people are not deceived by tempting things that look good or promising, but yet not of You. I pray for discernment for Your people so they know what is of You and what isn't. I also pray for the protection of Your people, from deception but also from direct attacks of the enemy. May Your people be safe from both the secret and open attacks.

I pray for the people to have hope. For them to find Your peace and joy. I pray Your people learn to be content in the place You have called them to. That they don’t give in to envy and complaints. Forgive us for our grumbling and dissatisfactions. Let us see the good and experience the joy of our calling. Let this joy and peace of Your people be a sign and a wonder for those who don’t know You. Let them see the freedom, the life and the joy of living for You.

I pray for Your people to receive the discipline of Your Word and the freedom of Your Spirit.  That we have both so we can stay on Your path in both peace and joy. Let the fruit of the Spirit grow, grow, grow in the hearts and lives of Your people. May we become appreciative and filled with gratitude for all You do for us. May we stay focused and determined to take our place in Your Kingdom and experience the joy, peace, freedom and hope that comes from being in our place.

“...for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” Philippians 4:11 NASB

Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10, 2013 - Soft Soil

Prayer focus for August 10-16, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
New Wine Fellowship
2671 Williams Lake Rd.

“..You soften it with showers…” Psalm 65:10 NASB
God I pray the heart of Waterford is not a stony place that does not yield to You, but rather good soil for the Word of God to be planted in. I pray that we don’t just live for You on a short-term basis, soon to forget You, but that we are faithful to the end and consistent in our dedication to You. I pray we give You space in our hearts, in our lives. That in the churches, businesses, homes, schools, and government we make room for You.  I pray that in our thoughts, our spending, our space and our diet that we make room for You. That we learn to set aside what is holy for You and give You place in our lives.
 Matthew 13:5-6, 20-21

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013- Winds of Worship

Prayer focus for August 5-9, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
New Hope Christian Fellowship
6020 Pontiac Lake Rd.

Lord God I pray the winds of worship blow from Your people and blow away the smoke screens of the enemy and all that would bring distraction, disease and destruction.  Only that which is built on the rock of the Lord Jesus will stand. Show us how to build our lives on this rock. Teach us Your ways. Let our praise of You flow from our breath. This breath being the winds of worship that clear the air so we can clearly see Your ways.

Acts 2:2-4, 11

Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27, 2013 - Divine Design

Prayer focus for July 27-August 2, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
New Beginning Baptist Church
2562 Dixie Highway

Oh God I pray Your people seek to pattern their entire lives after Your design. Where there is confusion and despair, let the Your Holy Spirit brood and then move upon those areas, allowing Your light to shine and Your words to be spoken. Let Your creative thoughts arise among Your people!  Let us open our hearts to You and see the heavenly pattern You have for our lives, our homes, our families, our workplaces.  May our words reflect Your image from within us.

Let us become a people who are a shelter for those who don’t know where to turn in difficult times. May we be able to show them how they can take refuge under the shadow of Your wings. O God, come into our midst and remain with us! Stay with us! Dwell among us! May we please You and not disappoint You. May our hearts beat like Yours. May we love what You love and hate what You hate.

May we offer fruit from the tree of life to all those around us. May we bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ so every word we speak produces life and brings glory to You!

Genesis 1:1-5; Hebrews 8:5; Psalm 17:8; Psalm 91; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 20, 2013 -Northwest Quadrant Prayer Walk

Prayer focus for July 20-26, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Mt. Zion Hispanic
4453 Clintonville Rd.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.”
Psalm 139:23 NASB

On today’s prayer walk there were three things that came up:

God’s Army:
God I pray as we march through the land, living our lives, may we be motivated only by Your true Holy Spirit.  That we have no selfish or evil intentions or motivations.  May we bring life and leave a trail of life in our path as we travel through our daily lives.

God’s Love:
I pray for a release of the love of God into the hearts of the people. That we receive His love so we will love Him and worship Him. That our worship is like the tabernacle of David.  That we prepare the way for His coming and for the heathen to turn to the Lord.  I pray as we are filled with His love that we not only love and worship Him but that we love people and bring His life and love to others. That we are about His business and not pursuing our own plans.

Letting Go:
I pray we let go of those things we are holding on to so tightly that are not of Him.  That we let go of our plans and seek and pursue His plans. I pray we examine our hearts, our activities, our words and thoughts.  That we re-prioritize and de-clutter our lives so they are in sync with His Kingdom.

1 John 4:19; Acts 15:16-17;  John 13:35, Luke 2:49; Luke 9:23; Psalm 63:1; Proverbs 3:5,6

Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 13, 2013 - Air be clean, Land be healed, Waters be pure

Prayer focus for July 13-19, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Los Pentecostales de Waterford
2775 Pontiac Lake Rd.

Waterford Oh Waterford
Let your air be clean
Let your waters, rivers, lakes and streams run pure
Let your parks and all your land be full of life
May the people treat you gently
May they seek the Lord Jesus
be filled with His Spirit
and learn His ways
May they crave the Truth
and search for wisdom
Waterford Oh Waterford
May you rest in the Lord and be at peace
Be strengthened, energized and healed
Receive the fullness of life and all that it brings
from your holy Creator

Matthew 11:28-30
"Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My load is light."

Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6, 2013 - Timing

Prayer focus for July 6-12, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Living Praise
3505 Percy King

Father God, help us to flow in proper timing with You. May we not struggle to make things happen whose time is not yet. May You orchestrate our lives so we are in the right place at the right time. May we enjoy You and Your presence and see Your beauty in all that is around us as we wait on You.

"For what does a man get in all his labor and in his striving with which he labors under the sun?" Ecclesiastes 2:22 NASB

"There is an appointed time for everything and there is a time for every event under heaven--" Ecclesiastes 3:1 NASB

"...those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary." Isaiah 40:31 NASB

Friday, June 28, 2013

June 28, 2013 -Learning from Storms

Prayer focus for June 28-July 5, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Lifepoint Christian Church
501 Scott Lake Rd.

Storms—what we can learn from them:

Father God, I pray we learn how to prepare for future storms both physically and spiritually. That we learn what’s important and what is not important.

During tough times what’s in our heart becomes more evident. Are we impatient or patient? Intolerant or grateful? Full of complaints or praise? Full of anxiety or faith? Selfish or kind?

Lord I pray we always behave in a way that is pleasing to You—-not only outwardly but inwardly as well.  Thank You for Your protection and provision in the things we see but also in what we don’t see.

Psalm 91

Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 22, 2013-Prayer Walk-Southwest Quadrant

Prayer focus for June 22-29, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Life Tabernacle
67 N. Lynn

"For you will go out with joy, And be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands..." Isaiah 55:12 (NASB)

When starting out on a venture for the Lord sometimes it begins with excitement. We've heard from Him and we are excited about the new direction He is taking us. There may even be signs along the way that we are on the right path. He prepares the way, He makes our paths straight. There are confirmations--God "coincidences"--that make it seem like everything will be smooth sailing.  While on this path we need to take time out to pray in our hide-away prayer place. Little coves where we can seek the Lord, pray, worship, enjoy His presence and receive continued direction.

Sometimes the road will get rough. The path isn't as smooth and we may begin to doubt the path we are on. We may wonder if we missed it somewhere and where that was.  But it doesn't necessarily mean we did. We need to stay alert and in tune with Him. Sometimes we can learn from those who have been on this path before us.  We need to continue to worship Him, it will get us through the rough times. We don't need to be looking for an easy way out, but for the right and true path. God has a hedge of angels protecting us when we are in the place He wants us to be. We don't need to worry, we just need to stay close to Him, and listen.

Proverbs 3:6, Proverbs 16:33, Matthew 6:6, Isaiah 55:6, Proverbs 24:10, Psalm 91

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013 - Hearts Like His

Prayer focus for June 15-21 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Lakecrest Baptist Church
35 Airport Rd.

Father God I pray your people draw near to You with their heart. I pray we search our own heart and see the truth of what is there. I pray we don't just have an appearance of godliness but that we truly desire You and Your ways.

Let us replace criticism, sarcasm, complaining and unrighteous judgments with worship, praise and thanksgiving. Let our words match our hearts so that even if we have ungodliness in our hearts we confess it and repent and turn towards You to be filled with Your Holy Spirit.  Let the blood of Jesus flow through our hearts bringing forgiveness, cleansing and making us like You!

God helps us not to judge according to appearance, or to judge unrighteously.  Help us not to simply look at outward behavior, but to look at the heart and judge righteous judgment.

Matthew 15:8, John 7:24; 2 Corinthians 5:16

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 8, 2013 - Prophesy of the Land

Prayer focus for June 8-14, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Hope Community Church
1240 Jay Street
Lord I pray Your people take the time to stop and listen for Your Holy Spirit.  That they stop their own plans and thoughts and works and wait to hear from You to discover Your plans and thoughts.  I pray we don't just blindly follow what looks to be good and right, but that we stop, wait, listen and hear from You.
In Ezekiel 36, the Lord had Ezekiel prophesy to the mountains, hills, ravines and valleys.  The land had become wasted and desolate and overtaken by Israel's enemies because God's people had forsaken Him.  
But the Lord told Ezekiel to speak to the land and say it would bear fruit for His people who were soon to return to the land. He said His people would inhabit the cities once again.  People and animal would increase and be fruitful.  God's people would walk on the land and possess it and it would become their inheritance.
Lord let the land of Waterford be at peace, calm, still and quiet.  Let the peace rise up from the land and calm the people.  Let the infrastructure be safe and secure. Let the use of the land bring honor to the King of kings.  Let there be peace in and on the waters.  Let the walls of safety and security be rebuilt.  Let the building and planning departments have Your wisdom and understanding.
Let all of Your people return to You in their hearts.  The heartland of America is turning to Jesus!


Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1, 2013--The Awaken to the Word

Prayer focus for June 1-7, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Harvest Baptist Church
1092 Scott Lake Rd.

"Since all this is true, we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truths that we have heard, lest in any way we drift past [them] and slip away."  Hebrews 2:1 The Amplified Bible

Awaken Your church O God!  I pray the Son comes to wake up God's people.  Three things that help to arouse a person out of sleep are light, warmth and words.  The sun brings light and warmth.  The Son brings the Word of God.  I pray the people of God pay much closer attention than ever to the truths they've heard.  That the Words of God arise and are resurrected in the hearts and minds of God's people.  

The Word of God made flesh--God's Son Jesus Christ brings the light, the warm touch and the powerful words that will awaken us spiritually.  But once awake we must open our eyes!  We must be willing to see the truth and reality around us.  The blinders must go, the light of Jesus Christ musts shine in our hearts and we must believe and have faith in Him.  Then we must arise and be about the Father's business. 

I pray we are not distracted or lulled to sleep with hypnotic, deceptive words but pay close attention to the Truth of God's Word.  The spiritual  weapons given to us are that we bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  That we pull down thoughts--arguments and reasonings and every arrogant thing--that would go against the knowledge of God.  We need to recognize the deceptive, distracting words.  God, may we fill our minds with Your Words, paying close attention to them, and not spend time listening to other things that are contrary to it.

John 1:14; Matthew 13:15; 2 Corinthians 4:4-6; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Jeremiah 7:8

Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 25, 2013- Prayer Walk: Southeast Quadrant

Prayer focus for May 25-31, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Grace Missionary Church
4060 Elizabeth Lake Rd.

Thoughts & Prayers during the prayer walk:

Whatever the reasons for people originally settling in Waterford, (survival, recreation), now I pray people see the beauty of the Township and honor You.  Let the beauty of nature--the lakes, streams, plants, birds etc. all speak of Your glory and draw people closer to You.  Let there be an increase in the beautification efforts in the Township.

Father God, raise up neighborhood shepherds and strategically place them in neighborhoods throughout the Township.  Let them have a spiritual authority and anointing to bring life to their neighborhoods. Let them have favor and resources to accomplish Your purposes.

Let Your people draw closer to You with a passion and hunger and a new resolve to seek You and worship You like never before.  Let the backsliders, those who have lost their way, and the misguided return to you.

I pray for protection-spiritually and physically over this quadrant and the township as a whole.  May it be safe from harm and from deceptive influences.  Let the idols be torn down and exposed for what they really are.  

Show Your power, glory and might.  Let there be healings, miracles and deliverance.  Pour out Your Spirit.  Let Your people hunger for the Word of God.  Resurrect the Word that has been spoken to people.  Let their be new preaching of Your Word and Bible Studies.

Let their be revival among the teachers and educators.  Let them turn from spiritual error and deception.  Let Christian educators be anointed and blessed with Your wisdom, skill and ideas.  Let them have strength, energy, health, resources and time.  Let them be in high demand .

Let there be a new trend among the youth.  That they not follow the crowd.  Not the usual thing, not what everyone else is doing.  That no longer is their uniqueness stemmed from rebellion, but from a desire to be holy.  That this trend draws and attracts people to Jesus Christ.  May the kids increase in knowledge and understanding of the Word of God.

Those who prey on the weak and defenseless--let their plans come to nothing.

Let there be springs, pockets, hot spots for the Spirit of God. Places of refuge and rest.  Let the churches be wellsprings.  Let there be personal revivals.  May Your people once again hunger and thirst for righteousness and true holiness.

May there be no envy, but let everyone discover their purpose and calling in life.  That they are not hopeless.  That they find their place.  Let the thing that is keeping Your people from discovering their calling go from them.  Let them be led with peace.  Not shallow or envious but discovering the Kingdom within.  The Kingdom of God is within Your people!  The enemy tries to get to that Kingdom.   May everyone discover the gifts You've given them, which begins by worshiping You!

Let there be a revelation of Your goodness!   Let us see the greatness of what You've done for us.  Let Your goodness lead us to turn and repent from sin and the dead works and weights that would lead us away from You and Your plans for us!

"How much more surely shall the blood of Christ, Who by virtue of [His] eternal Spirit...has offered Himself as an unblemished sacrifice to God, purify our consciences from dead serve God?"  Hebrews 9:14, The Amplified Bible.

Romans 1:19-20, Acts 2:16-18, Matthew 5:6, Proverbs 22:16, Isaiah 55:11-12, Luke 17:21, Romans 2:4, Hebrews 12:1-6,

Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 18, 2013 - The Heart of a Sheep

Prayer focus for May 18-24, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Grace Chapel of Oakland County
2515 Williams Lake Rd. North

"...the sheep follow him for they know his voice. 
And a stranger they will not follow...” John 10:4-5

Father God, I pray You give Your people the heart of a sheep.
May we follow You out of gratitude and not greed.
May we find comfort in Your voice
and peace in Your presence.
May we follow You not to be convinced by signs and wonders,
but because we already know in our heart who You are.
May we follow You not to find out why we should trust You,
but because we already do.

May our faith grow to this point.

When we have the heart of a sheep
We can truly learn You ways,
live in peace,
and offer Your life,
and all the blessings of it,
to others.

 You are
Life, love, peace, power, presence, joy, healing,
hope, goodness, mercy, grace, kindness...