Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31, 2012 - Prayer Focus

Prayer focus for March 31-April 6 2012
Northwest Quadrant
Kettering High School
Faith Church
Waterford Baptist Cathedral
Williams Lake Church of the Nazarene

Rise up Waterford and take your place that God has for you!
"The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!"  Rev 11:15

Pray that the people of Waterford lay aside the things of this world and draw close to God.  That the ears are unstopped, the eyes unblinded and scales fall off of hearts so people will see truth and desire to draw close to God.

Pray that the love of God fill the homes.  That selfishness be put away and as Paul said, "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." Philippians 2:3.
Pray that domestic abuse be stopped as the love of God fills the homes.
Jesus said in the end that because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. (Matthew 24:12).  Pray that the hearts of people turn against all sin, selfishness and lawlessness and that the love of God grows in people's hearts filling their homes.

Pray that people become passionate for Christ and pursue holiness and righteousness.  Pray that the passion of Christ is released into Waterford.  Into the homes, churches, schools, businesses etc.

Pray for protection for the township. In the schools, businesses, churches, homes, the airport.  That we be kept under the shadow of His wings.

Pray that spirits of alcoholism, addiction and gluttony be removed and replaced with a passion and craving for Jesus Christ.

Pray for the revelation of Jesus Christ at Waterford Kettering High School.  That the presence of God fill the school, His love filling each classroom and hallway, and for a revival to break loose in the school.  For the hearts of the kids to turn towards Jesus, and the teachers and staff as well.

Congratulations Grace Chapel on your new building!  Pray that their Easter Service goes well with many people in attendance and the Spirit of God to fall and fill the place with His love and deliverance.

We love, because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 24, 2012 - Prayer Focus

Prayer focus for March 24-March 30, 2012
Northwest Quadrant
Stepanski Early Childhood Center
Living Praise

The Bible tells us that if we acknowledge God in all our ways that He will direct our paths. Proverbs 3:6.
Pray that the Township residents as well as those in leadership positions over the Township recognize God and acknowledge Him in everything they do and the decisions they make.

Pray that the things that would distract people from hearing God are removed and that people recognize God and listen to Him.  That priorities become re-aligned and the insignificant things in our lives that we think are so important, but aren't, just fall away and those things that are really important and valueable come to our attention.  Pray that we learn to lay aside the things that get us off balance--the weights and that sin that will imbalance a person's life.  Hebrews 12:1. 

Pray that people see that certain relationships, experiences and acquiring more stuff are not things that will satisy.  That eyes are opened to see what truly brings peace and joy into a person's life.  That instead of  busying their lives looking for satisfaction, they find the peace that only comes through Jesus Christ.

Jesus said that those who will feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the poor and visit the sick and prisoners are doing it as unto Him. Matthew 25.  Pray that we don't forget these things that are so important.  Pray that His people do what He says and carry His fragrance wherever they go.  2 Corinthians 2:14.

Pray that the people's hearts become as His, that we value what He values and acknowledge Him in every decision.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 17, 2012 - Prayer Focus

Prayer focus for March 17 - March 23, 2012

Northwest Quadrant
Schoolcraft Elementary
Trinity United Methodist Church
Grace Chapel

Two words came to mind while praying today:

Seasons:  Pray that as the seasons change and people re-evaluate their schedules that they have an inward reflection time as well and their hearts turn towards the Lord.  That their plans include Him, take Him into consideration and even that people seek God and inquire of Him what their plans should be.

Momentum: As momentum builds for the elections pray that people don't listen to the hype surrounding the elections but rather we look for the slow and steady thing that God is building.  If we jump on the fast-moving train that builds speed too fast then we will eventually crash with force.  But the thing that God builds will stand.  Listen and look for what is of Him and not at what seems so good just for the moment.

While praying for Schoolcraft Elementary I really got the sense that other(s) have been praying for this school as well.  Add to those prayers peace, blessing and safety for the school, kids, families, teachers and staff.
Pray for the churches that they have financial growth.  That the finances are consistent and steady.  As the people cry out to God He will meet them.  As they minister to the Lord in their services God's presence will come and will deliver them from troubles.  God will show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him.

Pray for the airport and the air traffic controllers.  They they have good working conditions.  The same for the Police/Fire Department dispatchers also. 

When we seek God's will then He can freely move among us.  When we try and use Him as power for our own plans then we create a tangled web that He cannot move freely through.

Let all of Waterford pause and take a moment to reflect on God!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10, 2012 - Prayer Focus

Prayer focus for March 10 - March 16, 2012

Northwest Quadrant
Waterford Village Elementary
Waterford Community Church
Christ Lutheran Church

Pray for the finances of the township residents.  That people learn to live within their means but also that their debt is reduced and income increased in those areas that need to be.

Pray for God's favor and blessing on the township. That the heart of the people turn towards the Lord in righteousness and holiness.  That Waterford truly be a godly community where God's people can live and raise families in peace.

Pray for God's protection from all evil and evil intentions.

Pray for the president--the current one and the one elected in November.  That the office of the presidency is not surrounded with deception, distraction or confusion but instead filled with wisdom and clarity.  That the president's heart turn to the Lord and surrender to doing the will of God.   Proverbs 21:1 says, "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes."  (NKJ).  Pray that God direct the heart of the president towards Him in doing His will and purposes for this country.   Pray also that the president is surrounded by godly advisors filled with the wisdom of God and that the anointing of God fills the presidential office so he can do the job well and lead this country in the way it should go.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3, 2012 - Prayer Focus

Prayer focus for March 3 - March 9, 2012
Northwest Quadrant
Kingsley Montgomery School
Waterford Church of Christ
Our Lady of Lakes

God is so much closer than we imagine and so willing for us to see how much He loves us.

Pray for God to pour out His blessings on the Township.  That the Holy Spirit reveals truth and brings enlightenment to the people, drawing them closer to Him.  Pray for an awakening of the people to God and His ways.  For all the homes, businesses, churches and schools to receive His love and truth. 

Pray that God's people are not discouraged.  That they are not weary in well doing.  That they have fresh hope, vision, inspiration and encouragement.  That they see that what they do is worth it all. 

Pray that the church workers and school teachers also can see the fruit of their efforts and be encouraged to know that all their hard work and sacrifices are worth it.  That they feel and sense God's love for them and can see how close He really is to them. 

Pray that all the people hear, see, feel and experience God and His love greater than ever and come to know Him better.