Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10, 2012 - Prayer Focus

Prayer focus for March 10 - March 16, 2012

Northwest Quadrant
Waterford Village Elementary
Waterford Community Church
Christ Lutheran Church

Pray for the finances of the township residents.  That people learn to live within their means but also that their debt is reduced and income increased in those areas that need to be.

Pray for God's favor and blessing on the township. That the heart of the people turn towards the Lord in righteousness and holiness.  That Waterford truly be a godly community where God's people can live and raise families in peace.

Pray for God's protection from all evil and evil intentions.

Pray for the president--the current one and the one elected in November.  That the office of the presidency is not surrounded with deception, distraction or confusion but instead filled with wisdom and clarity.  That the president's heart turn to the Lord and surrender to doing the will of God.   Proverbs 21:1 says, "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes."  (NKJ).  Pray that God direct the heart of the president towards Him in doing His will and purposes for this country.   Pray also that the president is surrounded by godly advisors filled with the wisdom of God and that the anointing of God fills the presidential office so he can do the job well and lead this country in the way it should go.

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