Saturday, December 21, 2019

Seven Mountains in Me

Recently, I’ve been contemplating the seven mountains we refer to when we talk about the “Seven Mountain Mandate.” Rather than seeing myself called to one or two of these mountains, with a presence on those mountains, I’m looking at each of these seven mountains within my life, and my personal involvement in each of these mountains.

When I first considered this, I could see a mountain range—the seven mountains—that looked like a blank coloring picture. The mountains themselves were outlined and looked something like a thermometer, which was to be ‘colored in’ to show the level of involvement I had in all of these mountains. My mission was to find out the level of involvement I already had on each of these mountains, and to what extent I should increase or fine-tune my involvement on each one. I was to ask myself, “Is each mountain up to the level and accuracy of involvement I am meant to have?”

Here are some questions I began to ask myself as I considered this.

Family Mountain
All of us are born into a family or to some person(s) who cared for us and brought us into adulthood.
  • Who are my family members?
  • Who do I consider to be “close” family members and who are extended family members?
  • How good (or bad) are my personal relationships with each one?
    Healthy or unhealthy relationships?
  • How well do I know each one? Their interests, goals, involvements, and desires. Do I understand their call and purpose in life?
  • What is my place in my family, and what kind of influence do I have over each of my family members?
    To have true positive input into their life, they must agree to it and accept our influence.
    Sometimes we are only able to pray for them and love them.
    A characteristic of millennials is they want relationship before lecture.
  • Am I loving my family members? Am I praying for them? Am I peacemaker? A healer? Am I a mentor to anyone? Am I teaching them what is good and right?
  • Which family members have influence/input over me? Which ones are “fathers and mothers” to me? Who am I receptive to?
  •  To what extent, and in what ways, am I impacting other families?

Church Mountain
This is our spiritual family which begins in a relationship with the Lord and continues with the body. You find your place and position in the body of Christ and your mission in life becomes clearer. Like our physical family, our spiritual family can help us to see our strengths and weaknesses and help us to learn and grow.
  • What level of relationship do I have with the Lord—the Head of the body?
    To what extent am I a disciple of Jesus? (John 8:31-32).
    Don’t be a “Dino” (Disciple in name only).
    How much do I study, pray, seek Him?
  • To what extent am I aware of my position within the body of Christ?
    Do I have relationships with other believers?
    Who are those I’m in ‘tribal’ relationship with?
    Who are those outside of my tribe?
    What is my position within each tribe?
    What do I receive from them?
    What do I contribute to the group?
  • Who do I consider to be my spiritual mentors?
  • Do I have any spiritual children I am teaching or mentoring?
  • To what extent do I display the kingdom?
    To what extent am I operating as an ambassador for Christ? The Ekklesia?
    To what extent am I the salt of the earth?
    To what extent am I the light of the world?
  • Am I aware of the state of the church in my community?
    My state?
    My country?
    The world?
  • Do I support any church or ministries financially? In prayer? Other type of support?
  • Do I see the church from God’s perspective?

Education Mountain
Beyond our discipleship studies, we can grow in knowledge and understanding in a variety of subjects. Particularly as we come to understand our mission in life (or in this season of life).
  • To what extent am I continuing my own education and personal growth?
  • What is my base level of cultural knowledge?
  • Who am I learning from?
  • Am I learning, or being indoctrinated? (How to think vs. what to think)
  • Am I studying, continuing to learn, both biblically and in other topics?
  • Am I training anyone in a field I am knowledgeable in?
  • Who specifically am I teaching or mentoring?
  • To what extent am I aware of the education the young people in my family are receiving?
  • What is my level of educational influence over my kids, grandkids, locak kids-the next generation?
  • To what extent am I aware of what is going on in public education in my area?
    Private schools?
    Home schools?
  • What kind of input am I giving towards education in my area
  • To what extent am I supporting what is right and addressing what is not?
  • Do I contribute financially to private schools, colleges, home-school co-ops, which are abiding by biblical and constitutional standards?
Arts & Science
As we discover our mission, and educate ourselves in it, the next step is to do some hands on exploring.
  • What is my personal level of creativity?
  •  What am I doing to nurture it?
  • What do I dream about, imagine, or wonder ‘what if’?
  • What am I currently creating, researching, inventing, or developing? 
  • Who am I in relationship with in this field?
  • To what extent do I use and/or appreciate the creations of others?
  • What do I know about other creators/inventors?
    What do I know about their discoveries and inventions?
    What do I know about them personally—Newton, Edison, Beethoven, etc.
  • What innovations do I use and support?
  • To what extent do I influence, or encourage, others to be creative, dream or wonder?
  • Am I exposing my kids and grandkids to art, science and creative thinking?
    Teaching how to think, not what to think
  • If not, how can I?

Business Mountain
You may not own a business, but even just as a consumer, the business mountain is in you. Yet as you develop knowledge and skill in your life’s mission, you may enter the business world through that as well. And, if you work for a business, you have a certain level of involvement there too.
  • To what extent is my involvement in the business world personally?
    As a consumer—what are my buying habits? Do I buy too much? Am I impulsive? Do I hoard? Do I waste? Do I give to others?
  • How do I purchase? Do I go into debt?
  • Who do I do business with? Is it just Amazon?
  • Who am I helping to prosper?
  • As a producer—What do I produce with my time, energy, money and skill?
    What is my contribution to my family, body of Christ, and community? 
  • How am I affecting my community through my occupation?
  • As a seller/distributor—what type of resources do I provide for others in my community?
  • What products or services do I recommend to others?
  • To what extent do I help others connect with good resources?
We have access to others beyond our local reach through media.
  • To what extent is my involvement with media, what types do I use, and what do I use it for?
    Develop Relationships?
    Preach my opinion?
    Criticize others?
  • What is “trending” that I am following?
  • What kind of “news” stories do I read or take interest in?
  • What is my response to things that have a strong impact on me?
  • Who am I in communication with about current topics?
  • What part of my media use is beneficial to me personally?
  • What part of my media use is beneficial in developing good relationships with the ‘right’ people?
  • How do I influence others in and through my media use?
  • How am I influencing or setting an example to the next generation?
  • What movies, books, and forms of recreation do I participate in?
  • To what extent is my media use beneficial to others?
  • How does my media use/disuse impact God’s purposes for me and through me? 
Government Mountain
In the U.S. we have a responsibility to govern our country and keep our leaders in check. This responsibility will vary depending on the country. Whatever our nation, the Bible tells us to pray for those in authority.
  • To what extent am I aware of those who are in civil authority in my region?
    Do I know the positions?
    Do I know who holds the positions?
  • To what extent do I relate to the civil authorities?
    Am I praying for them?
    Am I writing my congressmen and holding them accountable?
    Am I telling them when I agree with what they are doing?
  • Do I have a personal relationship with any governmental persons—elected or non-elected? local, state, federal, police, courts etc.
  • To what extent am I fulfilling my responsibilities as a citizen?
    Am I obeying the laws (if within God’s laws)?
    To what extent am I praying for those in authority, the land, the nation?
    To what extent am I informing myself on current issues and candidates, and how my elected officials are doing?
    Am I voting in every election?
    How often do I speak up on topics that arise with those I come across during the day?
    How often do I take action with petitions, protests etc? 
  • To what extent have I sought out God’s opinion on a current topic?
  • To what extent have I studied the Bible on a current topic?
  • To what extent have I considered the opinions of others I consider to be my mentors/teachers on current topics?

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Speaking Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus

Beginning November 1st of this year, I began a one-year through-the-Bible assignment of reading, speaking, and proclaiming the entire Bible over America. I've had an amazing time doing this. In addition to reading the Bible OUT LOUD and then praying and proclaiming over the land as the Lord leads, I've also written down summaries of the chapters and books I've read. I'm posting a summary of the summaries here. I would encourage you to do this at some point. The process of reading/speaking/writing the Word of God brings great insight into what you're reading, while being His mouthpiece in the earth. And His Word will not return to Him void when its spoken from His mouth. It will accomplish what He intends for it to.

Click here for the index

Genesis Summary

  • Follow the "pattern of weeks" that God established in the beginning. Plan, implement, and rest according to this pattern.
  • Be a master over sin.
  • Let the righteous fathers arise and bring God's favor to our nation.
  • God loves the earth and made a covenant with it. Let the sons of God arise and care for the earth. 
  • Take care of what God has entrusted to you. Both the land and your children. Prepare your children for the future with blessing and prophecy. Teach future generations the ways of the kingdom. 
  • Value all brothers and sisters, honor the fathers, all will be restored.
  • There is more value in a few who have purity of righteousness over a large number of lukewarm believers.
  • Wholeheartedly serve the Lord in your personal life. Get rid of double mindedness. The whole nation will follow. One nation under God, indivisible.
  • God made a seed-covenant with Israel. We bless Israel and take notice their example. We learn from them and honor God.
  • We settle geographically and occupationally as the Lord has called us. We give Him a tenth of all.
  • All cultures and bloodlines--turn to the blood of Jesus. 
  • We speak the Word of God over the land and the people. 
  • We will work hard and not get discouraged by tough times. 
  • We maintain integrity and faithfulness in both good times and bad. Our dreams will come true and God's kingdom will be established.
  • We will not be discouraged when God is silent. Time is being given for the nation to grow and flourish. The famines will drive us to look to the paths of our godly, founding fathers. We re-dig the wells. 
  • We seek God and His favor & blessing over man's.
  • We look to dwell in His house.
Exodus Summary
  • God told Moses the history of Israel. It was important for him to know if he was going to lead the people out of slavery. We will study the history of our nation.
  • Rather than becoming angry when it looks like things are worse, we will trust the Lord. His deliverance will come. We won't compromise and settle for less.
  • God can and will do miracles when necessary. The bondage will end. Let the people of God go!
  • Remember the blood. God can deliver an entire nation. Apply the blood to you and your family. Obey God and you will remain healthy and provided for.
  • The laws and statutes of God are to be the same as the nation's laws. Teach them to your children. Teach them to your leaders. Judge according to them. Worship God yourself, build an altar in your heart. Worship.
  • The Israelites were given the laws before the land. Know His Word. Study them. Live by them. Teach them. 
  • These are the foundations of a godly nation-- 12 tribes/families. 70 elders/community judges. The blood covenant, 40 days/nights of meeting with the Lord to establish laws, seeking His face for the pattern. Willingly contributing to the cost of establishing His place in our midst, taking night watches.
  • As priests, don't take your consecration and anointing lightly. Wash your robes in the blood.
  • Seek God's face above the face of leaders. Recognize your skill from the Lord, willingly offer yourself for His work, and mentor others in your skilled area.
  • The government is to be in alignment with the laws of God.
Leviticus Summary
  • Sin must be dealt with according to God's specific standards. Blood must be shed as He instructs. 
  • Don't hide your sin or it will spread. It will not go away by hiding it.
  • Search your heart sincerely, deeply, for any way you are displeasing the Lord. Ask Him to show you sin you are unaware of.
  • Plead the blood of Jesus. The ultimate, pure, sacrifice for our sin. Honor Him. Honor His blood.
  • The Lord gave His commands and the people heard them through Moses. Then they implemented them. We must do more than hear His commands, or even teach them, we must do them. Then we will experience what He has said. We will learn how to obey Him more effectively. We will see consequences of obedience and disobedience. We will experience the fear, glory, and blessing of the Lord. Seek to know, understand, and experience His ways more.
  • Don't touch what is unclean. Don't cover up sin. Expose it to the light.
  • Be pure and clean in body and home. 
  • Don't participate in sin and don't condone it in others.
  • Honor God. 
  • Treat others well, as He says. 
  • Treat the land well. Rest.
  • Follow His heart in taking care of your body, clothing, land, and each other.
  • Keep His feasts, habits, traditions, and know why. Know His mind. Understand His ways.
  • The foreigner and natives are to abide by the same laws. But only the natives could permanently own property. Buy property! Buy land! Except for the city homes, all property remains to the natives permanently.
  • Obey God first above all things and all will be well. Fighting the enemy is not to be first. Obey God first and He will bring victory, prosperity, and peace to the land!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Acts 17: Part 3--Land

Once again, Acts 17:26-27 tells us:

26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 

This verse speaks of three things—seasons (appointed times) which we looked at here, tribes (nations) which we looked at here, and land (boundaries of their habitation) which we'll look at in this blog. God has appointed times, boundaries, and seasons for all of mankind. He has appointed them for you and your family (tribe), as well as your community and nation.

After the flood, God made a covenant with the earth, not to destroy it because of man’s sin. He also established that seasons would remain as long as the earth did (Genesis 8:21-22).  God loves the earth—the land, the dirt and everything in it. Revelation 11:18 tells us that He will destroy those who destroy the earth. We're not to trash the earth. God loves it. He created it first and then put man here to take care of it. 

The Bible tells us that creation groans until the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:19-22). Why? What are the sons of God to do? Take care of the earth—the land—the nations—and rule according to God’s ways—which is good for the earth and the people in it. 

Care for your earth—your land--and take care of yourself—your body--which is made from the dirt. Align yourself spirit, soul, and body with God and His ways. As we take care of our own lives properly, we gain authority to expand beyond ourselves to our families, communities, and so on. Tend to your garden. Leave it better than when you came. 

The land (and water) is your provision. In the parable of money usage (Luke 19:11) the nobleman gave his slaves money and told each of them to do business with it until he returned. Some translations say, "Occupy until I come." They were to do business, occupy a certain place or space, until he returned. 

Where or what you occupy is your occupation. Your work, whether its a business on your own land or holding a position somewhere else, provides for you. You produce wealth from it. At least, that's the intention and purpose of your work. You have a position, or work, to do whether geographically or occupationally with your life--your time, talent, skill, energy etc.

When we look to the beginning, the first half of Genesis we gain insight into God’s plan for the land. 
  • The Pattern of the Week.
    God gave us an example of work and rest-- to work six days and rest on the seventh--the Sabbath. This is a pattern to follow still to
    day. The day of rest (Sabbath) is for the Lord. A reminder that we do not rely on our own strength. Determine in your heart to follow this pattern of the week.
  • Noah's dove.
          The dove sought rest and returned to Noah. By doing so she brought a message of truth and hope. The raven just continued in its own strength out on its own which represents trying to maintain through our own strength, even our own "religious" works.
    Become a warrior dove of rest in your land.
  •          Favor of the Righteous FathersRighteous fathers have brought God’s favor to the Earth—Noah and Abraham for example.The people learned through them both to obey God, as there were consequences for disobedience. Pray for righteous fathers to arise today and bring God’s favor to the earth.
  •         Tower of BabelGod scattered the tribes/families into other lands. God’s intention was never a global government or culture. Remember how your tribe and culture honors the Lord, while respecting/admiring others too. (Not compromising your faith in Jesus Christ, but not trying to conform everyone to be like you).
  •         Israel’s Covenant LandGod gave Israel a specific land with boundaries and laws on how to live in that land. God said He would bless those who bless Israel.Bless Israel and pray for them.
  •        Ten Righteous could have saved a cityAbraham negotiated for Sodom and Gomorrah and was told that the city would not be destroyed if there were ten righteous in it. If there would have been, the entire city would have been spared. The depth of pure righteousness in a few will do more for a city than having many lukewarm “Christians" in it. Don’t be lukewarm. Unity in a nation comes from an undivided heart in God’s people. Wholeheartedly serve the Lord.
  •         Seed CovenantAbraham was willing to sacrifice his son, so God gave His Son for the sin of mankind. Later, Isaac had to stay in the land, but bring a wife back home from his father’s people/blood. Jacob as well, took a wife from the same bloodline. Canaan and his descendants were cursed (because of Ham) and had to be removed from the land.Stay in the land you are called to, but maintain the ways of the Kingdom in it. Don’t give in to the sin around you.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Acts 17: Part 2--Tribes, and the 2020 Assignment

Everyone has a tribe. We're all born into a tribe--a family. Families are what God designed for babies to be born into. Ideally, when a baby grows and learns the ways of life, he has a family of those who care about him to nurture, teach, and guide him throughout his life. He will grow into an independent adult and find his place in the community, eventually expanding his tribe to include some people outside of his family. Individuals are placed in families, families in communities, and communities in regions and nations.

In Mark 2 we read the story of the paralyzed man whose four friends tried to get him to Jesus so he could be healed. They couldn't get through the crowd so they took him up on the roof, tore up the roof, and put the man down through the roof next to Jesus. Jesus was impressed with their faith. The man was forgiven of his sins and healed. He was free to find and fulfill his destiny.

This story shows the importance of being connected to a tribe who will help you get closer to Jesus so you can be healed of whatever is standing in the way of you fulfilling your destiny. His friends were not part of the crowd which was blocking the path to Jesus--where his destiny awaited him. No, they helped him get through whatever obstacles were in the way so he could fulfill his purpose in life. These are true friends.

Each family, group, or tribe will develop its own personality. Each of us have individual gifts and personality traits, but the groups we are a part of also have their own traits, or ethos. Merriam Webster defines ethos as "the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution." Together we have a certain character.

Of course, there are challenges in relationships. There always are. We are constantly sanding the rough edges off of each other. In 1 John we read that when we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. As each of us individually walk in the light of the Lord, we will be able to walk in fellowship, not only with the Lord, but with each other.

A corporation is usually made up of at least three people, yet it has its own purpose. Its own character. Its own bank account. Its its own entity. Jesus said where two or three gather in His name He is in the midst (Matthew 18:20). His presence is the ethos that manifests as we gather. The Holy Spirit can also be the ethos that manifests as we gather. And the purpose He gives us as a group contributes to this ethos. Just like a good bowl of chili is made up of individual ingredients which blend together and make a unique taste, so does a tribe of people develop a taste of their own through the individual people that make it up.

How is the Lord manifesting Himself in your group? How is He revealing Himself? As a teacher? A Healer? A prophet? A leader? Its not always about the good feeling 'goosebumps' where His presence is very thick and obvious and makes you want to melt into a peaceful blob. Sometimes there is work to do, and He wants us to roll up our sleeves and get going. Read. Pray. Study. Seek Him. Intercede. Fast. Do something. Your group is unique and He will reveal Himself to you, and lead you, according to your ethos--the corporate purpose and call of your group. Find the purpose of your tribe(s) and it will help you find your purpose in life.

The Lord showed me an assignment for 2020. Its to counter the toxic words--lies--which have been spoken over America, especially the last few years. Lies are overcome by truth. The Word of God and Spirit of God are truth. I am speaking the Word of God--the entire Bible--over America from November 1, 2019 until the end of October 2020. Join me! More information here.

In Isaiah 55 we read that the Word of God which goes out of His mouth will not return to Him without having accomplished what it was sent to do. Those who believe in Jesus are His body in the earth. His Words spoken out of our mouth are powerful, when we breathe them/speak them from a heart filled with the Holy Spirit. Like a seed that gets planted and produces a harvest, the Word of God does something when spoken. It does what God intends for them to do. Jesus told His disciples that they were clean through the word He'd spoken to them. The spoken Word of God cleanses people. (John 15:3). Join me in speaking His Word--the Bible--over the nation in the twelve months leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Acts 17: Part 1--Times & Seasons

Our lives are made up of seasons that come and go. Some things stay the same while other things change periodically. God has designed mankind to live and work through these seasons. He has appointed these seasons, yet He gives us time so we can make decisions and learn from our choices.
11 He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11.
God makes everything appropriate in its time. There is a season for everything. He appoints the seasons of our lives, yet He gives us the ability to choose what we will do with our time within those seasons. God has given everyone a free will. The ability to choose.
24 The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; Acts 17:24-27.
Not only does He determine seasons, but the boundaries of mankind--of the nations. Naturally, the season you are in is affected by location as well as time. Winter in Florida is much different then winter in northern Michigan. This affects how you live to a certain degree, yet you still have a choice of what to do with your time during that winter season. When we are in the right place at the right time, we will be in the right season of our life. Within those seasons, we make decision that will affect tomorrow--upcoming seasons--and even future generations.

Seasons are designed for growth. For the most part, we determine the speed and level of our growth.  There are certain things appointed for us to learn and experience during a season which will cause us to grow to a point where we can flourish in the next season. Yet, we can affect the growth we will experience in a season by our choices. God prepares us for upcoming seasons. He doesn't push us into things before we are ready. We may not always think we are ready, but He knows when we are. He gives us time to grow, time to learn, and time to see the consequence of our decisions. 

God, by His grace, keeps us in a season long enough to give us time to grow, which prepares us for the next season so it won’t destroy us. If we're not getting it, He is patient. However, there may be times we are launched into the next season, ready or not. This too is a learning experience. We must use our time wisely so we are prepared for what's ahead. Make the most of your time (Ephesians 5:16). If you feel stuck in a season when you sense you should be moving to the next, look at what you're doing with your choices--time, money, space, relationships etc.

It may be tempting to try and hurry through a season when its not time. Some seasons are more difficult than others. Trying to rush through a season could be destructive for ourselves or others. It may open a door for the enemy. On the other hand, God may shorten the days of a season. At the end of this age He will shorten the days of that season to save His people. 
20 Unless the Lord had shortened those days, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect, whom He chose, He shortened the days. Mark 13:20.
Job had entered a season. He was a righteous man who went through a season where he lost everything--children, wealth etc. That was followed by a season where he lost his health. He went through very difficult times. Job remained upright, but he didn't have a proper perspective on his situation which God corrected when He spoke to him. Job repented and everything was restored to him.

Both of Job's difficult seasons began with accusations from the enemy. God doesn’t take accusations lightly, even from the accuser himself-Satan. God answers the accusations with evidence. In this case, the evidence was that Job maintained his righteousness during trying times. As you maintain your faithfulness to the Lord during difficult times, you are providing evidence God can use to silence the accuser.

What is your season right now? Each season has a purpose. Are you in a spring season of new growth and energy? Or a summer season of maintaining during dry, hot times? Are you in a fall season of harvest? Or is it a winter season of rest and regrouping? Whatever the season, maintain your faithfulness to the Lord. 

When going through a season consider the following.
  • Your physical location. Are you in the place you are supposed to be?
  • Your family. What is going on in their life that affects you?
  • Your relationships with friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. Are there changes to be made? Are you with the right people? Are the people you hang with part of your tribe--ones who help you get closer to the Lord instead of keeping you away? (Luke 5:17-26).
  • Your source of provision. How are you provided for? Where does your money come from? Is this in alignment with the Lord's will for you during this season?
  • Circumstances and coincidences in your life. Look for what the Lord is saying through these things. 
  • What are the characteristics of this season? Refreshing, plentiful, mountaintop, dry, hot, laborious, etc. 
  • What has been going on that you haven’t been able to change? Ask the Lord what you need to do with your time, choices, money, in this season, so the proper changes and positioning can occur.
  • Make an intentional pursuit of the Lord. Be a student, a disciple of the Word and the Lord. Don't wait for a special leading or goosebumps.
  • Remain faithful to Him at all costs. The trying of your faith/faithfulness is more precious than gold. (James 1:3).
  • Ask for His perspective of your season. You are seated with Him in heavenly places. Take a look at your life from His point of view. (Ephesians 2:6).
  • Love and seek the truth even if it costs. That is the protection against deception. (Proverbs 23:23, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11).
Four point to remember during a difficult season:

1. Honor Him. Praise Him. Fear Him, not people or circumstances. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Knowing He is the all-powerful God puts everything in proper perspective. (Psalm 22:23-26Proverbs 9:10)

2. Know Him. Know He is good. He is love. If you see Him as mean, unforgiving, and unreasonable, you won’t do with your time what you need to. Time is a gift. There are certain gifts that everyone has been given. Time is one of those. Don't bury your time-talent. (Psalm 34Matthew 25:14-30). Don't waste your gift of time. Know that He will help you fulfill your call.

3. Trust Him. Job said his hope/trust in God would remain even if He killed him. (Job 13:15). He knew that the Lord knows best. He will not fail us. It's much easier to trust Him if you know Him, and know He is good.

4. Wait for Him. Remain faithful during the tough times. Be patient throughout the season you are in. Through faith and patience we inherit the promises. (Psalm 27:11-14; Isaiah 40:31; Hebrews 6:12). 

Father God, help us to recognize the season we are in right now. Help us to clearly see the proper choices we need to make regarding what to do with our time, our money, our relationships and everything else necessary for us to be ready for the next season. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discerning the Priestly and the Prophetic

Jesus is our Great High Priest who intercedes for us in Heaven. He was tempted in every way, just like we are, so He can "sympathize with our weaknesses." He knows what its like to experience the things we do while living here on Earth, yet He never sinned. Instead, He offered Himself up as the sacrifice for our sins so all who believe in Him may have eternal life--forgiven, cleansed, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live right (Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 7:24-27, Acts 1:8). As a priest, He relates to us and prays to the Father on our behalf.

As a prophet, Jesus spoke what He heard His Father speak. He taught the people, explaining the Scripture. He spoke for the Father. He was the Word of God made flesh. (John 12:49-50, Matthew 9:35, John 1;14, Matthew 13:57). As a prophet, He proclaimed the Word of the Father--Truth--without compromise, which give life to all who take heed.

Jesus was the true light, who enlightens others. He called His disciples the light of the world. (John 1:9, Matthew 5:14). There are times we feel, like He did and still does, the need of those around us and we can pray and intercede for them. There are also times we can hear and feel the heart of God, seeing the world around us from His perspective, and we speak in alignment with that. His words of truth give light and life.

Father God, help us, and all Your people in the Waterford area, discern the difference between the priestly and the prophetic. Help us know when we are to approach You as intercessors on behalf of others, and when we are to speak Your words uncompromisingly. We want Your truth. We always want to speak the truth, yet we want to ask for mercy whenever possible. Show us how to be true light to the world around us--our families, friends, workplace, churches, and communities.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Lord, Plant Seeds of Truth

Lord, we pray for a genuine, tangible, manifestation of Your presence here in Waterford Township. Touch the businesses, the elderly, the schools. Let there be revival in the schools. That the hearts of the students, from pre-school through college, seek truth. The Truth. That they have discernment to know the difference between Truth and opinion. That they recognize lies as being lies and don't follow them. Purge them of indoctrination that is untruthful. That those seeds do not take root and produce. Plant seeds in our young people Lord. Seeds of truth and love. Bring people across their path to plant and nurture these seeds.

We pray for protection for all of the students in Waterford. Spirit, soul, and body. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, socially, physically, sexually, financially, and in every way. Keep them safe. Turn their attention to You. Draw them to You. Pour out Your Spirit on the young people. Let them find You.

We also pray for the parks. That they be places where people will find You through nature. That they see Your beauty, love, and magnificence. Your intricate designs and plans, and know You are real. We pray for the roads and railroads. The paths and trails throughout the township. We pray for the government and the churches. Let even the churches be amazed at the work You do here. We pray sincerely. Be a part of it all, Lord. Govern it all. Your will be done, Your kingdom come to Waterford!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Wheat and the Tares

In the parable of the Tares and the Wheat, Jesus explained that He sows good wheat seed into the world while the enemy sows tares. He says that the good seed are the sons of the kingdom, and the tares are the sons of the evil one. It's commonly accepted that these tares of the Bible are darnel seed or Lolium temulentum. These tares look a lot like wheat but the difference is clear once the ear appears.

In the parable, when the slaves of the landowner ask if they should take out the tares from among the wheat once they were discovered, He says no, because they might uproot the wheat if they do. He says to let them both grow together until the harvest (the end of the age) and then each one will be dealt with properly--the tares into the furnace to be burned and the righteous will shine in the kingdom of their Father. (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43).

It's all about the seed. It's not about appearances. A seed will produce the fruit of whatever kind of seed it is. If you are an apple seed you don't become an orange tree just by being planted in the middle of them or trying to act like one. Even though the tares are planted among the wheat, and may even look like them for a time, the evidence of what kind of seed it is will be clear once the fruit starts to appear.

There is an enemy of the Lord who has infiltrated the earth producing "evil sons." Knowingly or unknowingly, they will try and uproot what God is doing--the kingdom He is building. People may be truly sincere, not realizing what kind of seed they are, but the fruit of their lives will identify that. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:20).

Thank God that in the realm of the spirit, a seed can be changed from evil to good. Jesus said the good seed are the sons of the kingdom. A person becomes a son of the kingdom by believing in Jesus. And the sons of God will follow the Spirit of God (John 1:12, Romans 8:14-17). The seed can be converted, but only through faith in Jesus Christ--the One who died for our sins, paying the debt our sin caused which we could never pay. If you believe in Him, you are a son (or daughter) of the kingdom, but be aware of the enemy that is out there trying to choke out or uproot what your heavenly Father wants to do in your life, your family, your church, and your community.

Father God, I pray for sons of the kingdom to be planted throughout Waterford and the surrounding region--throughout Michigan. I pray they are planted in place--the places You've called them to be, and that they are protected from the plans of the enemy to choke out or uproot what You are doing in their lives. I pray for these sons to have discernment, and to be watchful, so they properly tend to the field You've called them to. For them to watch and pray to prevent evil seeds from being planted. For them to recognize good from evil, and for them to preach Your Word so hearts can be changed and converted to good seed. Send Your heavenly host--Your angelic, ministering spirits to give aid and assistance to these sons of the kingdom, so Your kingdom comes, Your will is done throughout Waterford and Michigan.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Evidence of Truth, Evidence of God

Truth is spiritual. It consists of realities and laws. These laws are things that apply consistently. If truth were not consistent, it wouldn't be truth. However, truths are consistent because there is power that exists to carry them out. This power guides them and manages them. This power oversees them. Because of this, truth requires an intelligent, thinking, personality, with a will, who will consistently define, manage, and guide it. This intelligent being is the One by whom truth is defined. He is truth.

Truth cannot exist apart from this Personality who has the power to define it. We call Him God. He expresses His truths in thoughts and words. An untruthful being can say things, but has no power to make them a reality. He can only deceive and try and get people to act on his words as if they were true, but this deception leads only to confusion and death because truth will always prevail.

When God speaks, along with His words comes the power to back up what He says. Jesus proved the truth and power of God by becoming the Word of God made flesh, and living out on earth the reality of God's truths. He proved them to be true. He became the evidence of their truth. This evidence is proof of God's reality, and His power over all things. (Hebrews 1:1-3, Isaiah 55:11).

Take that one step further to see that God has given people the ability to speak words out of a free heart. That's why the fall of man was so devastating. A heart that is not aligned with truth will cause confusion when it speaks. But this ability to speak words from a free heart is also why redeemed man is so powerful. Men, or women, who are believers in Jesus Christ are His witnesses. A witness testifies of truth. A believer's words and life are evidence of the truth of God. This evidence will speak eternally to disprove the accusations of the enemy--who accuses God of not being true, and accuses the saints as well.

Its wonderful that we, as believers, are His witnesses, but it takes faith to see truth, to see reality, to see God's thoughts. That's why its impossible to please Him without faith. By faith we see God for who He really is. We see that He is good. He is life. He is love. He is truth. Those who come to Him must believe that He is--that He exists--AND that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He is a rewarder. He doesn't take pleasure in punishment. He is good. (Hebrews 11:6).

So because of who He is, God's presence contains power. He entire being emits energy--power--that causes His thoughts and desires to become a reality. When He looks, thinks, and speaks, the power is magnified. We find the truth of who God the Father is when we look at Jesus. Jesus is the Word of God made flesh. He reveals who God is--His thoughts and desires. His life, truth, love, and power.

The woman with the issue of blood felt power go into her when she touched Jesus' clothes. She saw Him for who He is--the Healer--and that healing energy flowed from Him to her. Her perception of who He is brought her exactly that. When our perception of God matches the truth of who He is, then the same power is released towards us. This is faith. Additionally, this woman received healing, but when Jesus turned to look at her and she allowed Him to examine what she had done, she was told her faith had healed her and to go in peace. She received something above and beyond healing when she allowed Jesus to see her and judge her actions. (Mark 5:25-34).

The power of who God is is even more pronounced when He looks at something. When we cry out for Him to look at us, we are saying we want His gaze, His power, His truth, to see us, make a decision, and act on our behalf. We are trusting that His decision will be good. We see Him, by faith, as One who is good and whose power will bring life to us, not death. We are humbly saying we trust He will be merciful towards us, not giving us what we deserve, but releasing His favor towards us which Jesus provided for us. The blind man cried out for Jesus to have mercy on him and he was healed. He wasn't content to let Jesus walk by without looking at him, without healing him. Even David, when he knew judgement would be brought on him, chose God's judgement over mans, knowing that God would be merciful quicker than man would. (Luke 18:35-43, 1 Chronicles 21:13).

This is why Jesus said He will say to those who use the power of God but hide from Him, not allowing Him to look at them, 'Depart from Me, I never knew you." We need His gaze. We need Him to look at us, to see us, to see what we're doing and thinking, and judge our thoughts and the intents of our hearts. We also need to judge ourselves by what He has spoken, by His Word. The pure in heart will see God, and these are the ones who have allowed God to look at them first. (Matthew 7:21-23, 1 Corinthians 11:31, Matthew 5:8).

It's amazing that God chose to share His Spirit with us. He fills those who believe in Him with His Spirit of truth and power. His living Word comes to live inside of those who believe in Him. Those who call out to Him and submit to Him as Lord of their life. To these ones He entrusts the power of His Word, His thoughts, His truth. We access this by faith. (John 14:15-17, John 14:23, Romans 8, Acts 1:8).

God, who is the Author of both truth and love, has the power to do good towards all. Yet He chose to share this power with those who believe in Him. This testing of our faith is precious to Him, and more valuable to us than any amount of wealth or power the world could give us.

Father God, I pray that the people of Waterford come to know You as the author of truth and the author of love, and life, and all that is good. Even those who already know You, that they come to know You better and see You for who You really are. We want Your truth! Look at us! Let us feel the power of Your gaze. Your cleansing, forgiving, and healing power. We believe in You. We are witnesses of Your truth! I pray this reality spreads throughout this community and beyond.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Look Up

It's time to lift up our heads and look to the Lord. Look for His redemption. Look for His help. His victory. His glory. His holiness. Look for His return. Lift up your eyes, look vertically, not horizontally, and behold Him. Honor Him. Worship Him.

"But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near" Luke 21:28.

"But You, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head." Psalm 3:3.

"And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, and I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes I will sing praises to the Lord." Psalm 27:6

"I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2.

"Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in!" Psalm 24:7

"Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." 1 John 3:2-3.

Saturday, April 27, 2019


Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.

We are called to be peacemakers. In this passage of Scripture from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus  went on to say,
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:43-48
Jesus is saying not to just be friendly to those who are friendly to you. Be different. Show you really are a son of God by loving your enemies. Yet, He later on He seems to contradict this:
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36 and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household.
37 “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it. Matthew 10:34-39
Luke's account of this verse says this:
51 Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; 52 for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
54 And He was also saying to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘A shower is coming,’ and so it turns out.55 And when you see a south wind blowing, you say, ‘It will be a hot day,’ and it turns out that way. 56 You hypocrites! You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and the sky, but why do you not analyze this present time? Luke 12:51-57
There's a time to be a peacemaker, but there is also a time for a sword. In all things we put Jesus first. When we do, there are times it will cause division. We need to know the times--when we are to be a peacemaker and when it is a time of division. There is never a time to compromise Jesus or the Gospel for the sake of peace. Even if it costs us something--our own life, our comfort, our relationships. Yet we need to discern the times. The peacemakers are blessed. Loving and praying for your enemy shows you are a son of God.

There's times following the Lord will cost us something, we won't be able to bring peace, but there are times we will be able to. We should try for peace first. 

What is a peacemaker? One who restores two people to a relationship so they are not at war anymore. They are at peace with each other. A peacemaker is one who helps people in conflict work out their differences. A peacemaker will bring healing to relationships. Today, I felt specifically the Lord was addressing relationships in the workplace, church, and home. The relationships in your workplace, those you are connected with spiritually, and those in your home.

We need peacemakers in our life, and we need to be peacemakers for others. Not so we can compromise, but so we can bring true restoration and peace. When both sides receive healing, and are in proper relationship with the Lord, when we both have the same Head, they will have the same goals, motivations, and so on. The best peace possible is when both parties are submitted to the Lord. 

To be peacemakers, we would like to see everyone align with the Truth. Christians should not compromise if it means compromising the Lord or His Truth. There will be times of division. There may be people you need to separate from for the sake of peace. Lot and Abraham's herdsmen were arguing and separated for the sake of peace (Genesis 13). Yet sometimes separation may not be the best option, or should not happen without doing everything possible to restore the relationship, such as in marriages. 

Ecclesiastes 3 says there is a time to kill and a time to heal. A time of war and a time of peace. A time to love and a time to hate. God will always try and bring restoration first. First and foremost peace between God and man--that will bring the ultimate healing to a person.

Father, raise up the peacemakers in Waterford and beyond. That they bring healing and restoration, first and foremost with You, but also in the relationships they are in. That not only in the lives of others, but in our lives as well. In our own heart and mind we submit to You and Your Truth.We will not compromise. We make peace with You and Your ways. We accept Your ways--the ways of Your Word and Spirit. We accept Your Truth in our life. We accept You, honor You, Your will, Your Word, and Your ways, and we want to bring that to the people we come in contact with. We want to bring it to our families, those we are in spiritual relationships with--our tribe, our church, we want to bring it to our workplace, ministry, job, where we are using our gifts, we want to bring peace. To be a peacemaker. We want to see the rising up of the peacemakers in the community. Those committed to You and Your ways. Those who are secure and confident in their relationship with You and the love You have for them, that they are able to take up their cross and follow You. That they can love and pray for their enemies without compromising You. That they can discern the times and seasons to know when its time to heal or divide. 

There are times for compromise, but not His will, His ways, or His truth. We die to ourselves so His resurrected life can live through us.

Father, I pray for discernment so we know the times, when its time to join, and when its time to separate, that we're aware of Your love shed abroad in our hearts, and we walk in the love and healing and a restored relationship with You, so we are able to bring and release that to the people we come in contact with. Bring up this restoration of healing in Your people so we can be the peacemakers You've called us to be. Let us remember those times we come before You to honor and worship You and then remember our brother has something against us, that we go and attempt reconciliation with him. That we are quick to make friends with our opponents at law. That we know how to bring solutions to the problems and divisions that arise. That we are not so rigid that we don't compromise when we need to. Yet we are also brave enough and courageous enough to stand in opposition when we need to.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Spring Clean-Up & Boundaries

April 13th was Spring Clean-up Day in Waterford Township and I participated in the spring clean-up organized by them. I normally take a day in the Spring to "clean up and pray" and this fit right in with it.

We all know we need to clean up our own space around us. Whether it's our home, our yards, or our own lives. It's important that we take a look and examine our hearts and surroundings--to "clean-up" anything that may have gotten tainted or out of order. However, there is also a time to work to "clean-up" our public surroundings as well. We're not called to live isolated lives outside of the public view. We are called to go into all the world, to go into the public square--not stay cocooned in our own lives, homes, or churches. Be the salt and the light.

As I cleaned up trash along the roadside, I tried to discern the boundary between public and private. I was not sent to pick up trash on private property, just that which interfered with the function or beauty of the public space. In the same way, we all need to recognize the boundaries we have when it comes to the other people we come across in our walk. To what extent do we have "permission" to meddle in other people's lives? I'm thinking of when Jesus said, "first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye." (Matthew 7:5).

Of course there are times we confront our brother or sister and discuss matters of concern, due to our love for them, but always with an attitude of respect. (See Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-17, Luke 17:3-4, Jude 1:23). We care for those believers who stumble, we don't want them to fall or get lost.  There is a time to rebuke, a time to forgive, a time to show mercy, and a time to separate. We need to properly judge the time, and pay attention to what behavior we allow, in the public space we have authority and influence over, because of the children and new believers.

So in our effort to clean-up the public space spiritually, as well as physically, keep the private property boundaries in mind. Jesus never forced anyone to believe in Him or obey Him so it wouldn't be right to have laws that force people to believe a certain way, or worship God when they don't want to. Of course there are consequences to sin and rejecting Jesus, but He still doesn't force Himself on anyone. We all have a choice, at least for now. One day no-one will be able to deny that He is God. (Philippians 2:9-11, Romans 14:11). The freedom of choice is what we need to defend and stand up for in America today, right down to our own state, county, city or township, neighborhood, and our own home. Liberty and justice for all!

After working for a while, I thought if everyone cleaned up the road in front of their own home, there wouldn't be a need for others like myself to do it. Of course there could be all kinds of reasons as to why some people can't so I wasn't there to judge that. There are times we all need each other. And if someone is neglectful, it still affects the public path and needs to be dealt with. Some of what we do as believers is cleaning up after others, due to their neglect or refusal. That's O.K., as long as it gets done, and we don't get an attitude against them in the process. However, remember the borders, some of the trash is personal stuff they need to take care of themselves. Don't cross that boundary. It's not good for you or them. 

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Bless, Not Curse

Apostasy on the Borders | Sabbath Sermons

The word for Waterford today is about blessing and cursing. It seems there are a lot of people in Waterford, who live here, who have believed lies and whispers of the enemy and have come to despise Waterford. They see it as a cursed land and not blessed. Instead of feeling blessed to live here they feel it's a curse. Some people from outside of Waterford have said that. That criticism is a type of persecution. But when its coming from the inside, it's more of a self-loathing. The criticism that God wants to deal with today is not coming from without, but from within.

The people of this community need to be sure not to agree with the words of others, whether inside or outside Waterford, which are words of cursing. Especially the believers. As Christians, we need to be careful that we don't agree with any of the curses which might be spoken over the township. They could be coming from demonic forces, or simply negative words spoken from people.

Of course Waterford is not perfect, but I don't believe God is cursing Waterford. We need to align with Him and agree with His words and what He is saying over Waterford. Words of blessing, healing, life, and salvation. I believe that is what He wants the people to do--speak over their own community, speak words of blessing, and ask Him to move in their community. Don't despise the place you live in.

Father God, we repent of negative, critical, and curse words that we've spoken over this Waterford region. Please forgive us for any negative words, words of cursing instead of words of blessing that we've spoken. We repent of those words. We no longer line ourselves up with or agree with those who are speaking curses. Forgive us and wash and cleanse us and let those words come to nothing. 

We make a decision to speak words of blessing, life, salvation, and healing over Waterford, the people, the land, the families, businesses, churches, government, and schools. Words of blessing, life and salvation, and healing, to draw the hearts of the people turn to You. Draw the the heartbeat of the community, Waterford at its core, to seek after You and seek to do Your will and line up with You. We ask for and speak this blessing, that You draw people by Your Spirit to You. Into salvation. That You've not given up on this community. You've sent Your angelic heavenly host to work on behalf of those who are and will be Your people. We unleash and release blessing on this community in Jesus' Name. Draw all people to You. We lift Jesus up so all are drawn to You. 

We ask that You release dreams, visions, revelation, understanding, teaching and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus so the hearts of the people in Waterford, the hearts of the businesses and schools will turn to You and lift You up. That they will say yes, Jesus Christ is Lord and we worship the King of kings and Lord of lords. There is one true God. The God of the Lord Jesus Christ. The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Noah, Adam and Eve, and all of creation. You are the one true God. We lift You up, exalt You, and worship You. We thank You for Your goodness, mercy, grace, and compassion. We choose to worship You. To speak words of blessing. We ask that You bless.

In Numbers 22 Balak hired Balaam to curse Israel. Balak was afraid of Israel because they were a large number and he knew they were blessed by God. He wanted them to be cursed so he could defeat them and drive them out. The enemy knows that when God has blessed something its a mighty thing. He will want to bring a curse on what God has blessed. He wants to bring a curse on us. He wants us to agree with him, Balak had to get Balaam because he knew that what he blessed was blessed and what he cursed was cursed (verse 6).

God has give us power and authority in our words. What we bless is blessed, what we cursed is cursed. Of course we need to align with God in what we say, but our words have power. The devil will try to get us to speak curses and agree with others who are speaking curses. We need to stop that and realize the power we have in our words. Balaam said he could only speak what the Lord tells him to speak (verse 38). If the Lord is speaking blessing, then we need to too.

We're not going to be hired out to speak curses. If someone speaks a curse, a complaint, a gossip, and we agree with them, we are agreeing with their curse. Either just be quiet or speak blessing instead. Don't agree with their curse. Speak what God says--His word. Today is the day of salvation for Waterford, not the day of curses. It's time for salvation and spiritual growth. We don't want to be hired out to speak a curse. When we agree with someone who is speaking a curse, we are getting something out of that--recognition, acceptance, something. It's like we're hiring ourselves out to speak a curse like Balak tried to do with Balaam. Our payment could be that we want to fit in, be accepted, look cool, or look like we're "in the know." But what we're really doing is selling ourselves out for a curse. We need to stop that and speak blessing instead. Speak what God is saying over our community. When God does bring judgement, it's a scary thing for those people. While we have opportunity to bless, we need to do so.

Father we speak a blessing over every square inch of Waterford. Bring salvation, bring healing, bring life, and deliverance. We speak deliverance from demonic deception, addiction, poverty, a religious spirit, from anything the enemy would bring to try to keep people from fulfilling the destiny You have called them to. Whether its people, groups, businesses, schools etc. we speak blessing, freedom and deliverance. The enemy cannot stop this community from fulfilling the purpose which You have purposed it to do in the holy mighty name of Jesus Christ. You're so good to us.

I had a dream last night. I dreamt I was praying for someone or something. I think I was praying for healing. After I was done, there was a girl or young lady standing next to me on my left. She was skinny, long blonde hair. She said something about them getting what they deserved. I said to myself, "That's a curse. She's speaking a curse and I'm not agreeing with her." I didn't say a word. I was careful not to say anything, especially anything that would indicate I agreed with her. Not even an "uh huh."

I believe that is the message for this community today, and for all of the body of Christ. That we don't align ourselves with those who are cursing our cities.

Father God, thank You for revealing this. We want to completely align ourselves with You and Your word. Holy Spirit and angles of heaven, alert us and all of God's people to the times the devil tries to get us to do this. Alert us so we are aware and don't fall into that trap. Help us become more aware of the words we speak, as well as what is in our heart. We need to let no unwholesome word come out of our mouth, but only that which is good for edification, according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29). We want to speak words of grace We release words of grace over Waterford today in Jesus' name. Amen.