Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 20, 2013- Parental Anointing

Prayer focus for April 20-26, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
First Church of the Brethren
5064 Hatchery

Father God protect our children from ungodly images—from media that promotes things that are contrary to You and Your ways.  I pray that You release a parental anointing.  Forgive us for neglecting our children and not having respect for our position as parents.  Let the hearts of the parents turn back to the children and the children to the parents.  Let there be a release of books, literature, media, conferences, instruction and an honoring of the parental position into Your people and our culture.  Let us take seriously our commission to teach our children the Word of God.

Forgive us as parents and teachers who set our sights on other things and began to view other things as more valuable than being a parent or a teacher.  Re-ignite the children's ministry workers calling and anointing.  Come again Holy Spirit and stir us once again to be passionate towards our children.  Stir us to honor parents from the time a child is conceived.  Forgive us for not respecting and honoring the bodies You have given us.  The temple not made with hands,   Let those who value life—who are pro-life—use the energy and zeal in a renewed focus, with vision and passion to reach the children we do have, the ones who have been born.  The babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, young children and teen, and the parents—let them put prayers, energy, time, money, resources and passion into these young children and into parents—helping them and honoring them.

Let us all honor all fathers and mothers that we, as a people, may live long on the earth.  Let us return to the Book.  Let it be our guide.  Let it be what we teach our children.  Let the foundation of the Word of God be strong in this generation.

Malachi 4:5,6, Luke 1:17, Ephesians 6:1-3, Acts 17:24


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