Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2, 2013 - The Keys

 Prayer focus for March 2-8, 2013
This week's church prayer is for:
Community Bible Church
1888 Crescent Lake Rd.

I asked the Lord what the keys to opening up the heavens over Waterford are.  While in prayer this is what came up:

Worship:   Once again, let worship rise from Waterford as a sweet-smelling offering to you Lord!

Teaching our children to be grateful igniting a heart of worship: Let our children rise up as fierce worshippers, passionate in their love and worship to Jesus!

Honesty & Integrity in the Police Dept: Lord God, protect our officers from the evils of the world.  Let them remain faithful and true to Your standards of honesty and integrity.  Just as the spirit of antichrist must go from the church, the spirit of lawlessness must not creep into those uphold the law.  The same goes for the government of the Township as well.  Let the spiritual influences and connections with other cities around us be godly.

Honesty & Integrity in the businesses: Lord God, let the businesses of the Township bring honor to You and abide by Your standards of honesty and integrity in all their practices as well.

A cooperative relationship between churches and schools: Let good and godly relationships develop between the churches and schools of the Township.  Let the children be well cared for, protected and receive excellent nurturing in spirit, soul and body.

Humility: Let Waterford cry out as John the Baptist did, "He must increase, I must decrease."  Let us exalt Jesus Christ--recognizing and proclaiming Him as our center and King of kings and Lord of lords.

The King of Nineveh made a decree after being warned by Jonah of coming judgment.  He proclaimed a fast and said, "Let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands."

Let people turn away from evil and violence.  Let anger and frustration be removed, replaced by the Spirit of God instead.

This week I will be fasting.  One thing fasting does is honor the Lord by making room for Him in our lives.  (See my personal blog--The Tree--here)  .  I will be fasting sugar in all forms, dairy and grains.  This kind of fast also balances out your yeast levels, being a sign of the leaven of the Pharisees--the spirit of antichrist, lawlessness and violence--being removed from our land!

John 3:30, Jonah 4:8

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