Friday, January 15, 2021

Speaking Hebrews



Here are the "speaking the Bible" summaries for Hebrews.

Hebrews Summaries

The writer of Hebrews is Paul and may have been written in 60 A.D. from Rome. He starts out saying that God has spoken to our fathers in many ways in the past, but now has spoken to us in His Son--who is the exact representation of His nature. He is heir of all things, greater than angels, though for a little while He was made lower than angels. He suffered and was then crowned to bring many sons to glory. He was made like us, tempted like us, so He could be a merciful High Priest. He is the Son of God, not like Moses who was a servant. He is the builder of the house and we are the house. So we are to hold fast our confidence and hope to the end. Encouraging each other so we're not hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 

There is still a promise of entering into His rest. Let's be diligent to enter into it, resting from our works as God did His. Nothing is hidden from His sight. His Word is alive and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Let's draw near to His throne and obtain the mercy and grace we need. High priests are called by God and taken from among men on their behalf to offer gifts and sacrifices for sin--for themselves, as well as the people. But we have a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek--an eternal priesthood to which the Levitical priesthood honored and paid tithes. He was sworn with an oath--the promise of God--the guarantee and mediator of a better covenant. An eternal covenant of which the earthly priesthood was just a copy. His laws written in our minds and put on our hearts. 

The earthly sanctuary sacrifices were done daily and yearly with a remembrance of sin. It didn't cleanse the conscience of the worshiper. Yet Jesus entered the tabernacle in Heaven with His own blood and obtained eternal redemption which cleanses the conscience of those who receive it. His sacrifice was once for all with no more remembrance of sin. We can enter confidently into the holy place by the blood of Jesus, but if we continue in sin, there remains no more sacrifice for it. He will come again without reference to sin for those who eagerly await Him. 

Faith is being assured of what we hope for, yet still unseen. The world was made from what is unseen. This faith--believing God exists and rewards those who seek Him--pleases God. Many heroes of faith died without yet receiving the promises, having suffered many things, yet they saw them far off and welcomed them. They did not receive the promise, but we do, so they are made complete in us. Because of their great witness, we ought to lay aside everything that entangles us and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus who endured such hostility of sinners. Resist sin to the point of blood. 

God disciplines us for our own good so we may share in His holiness. We've come to Mt. Zion, not Mt. Sinai where His Voice shook the Earth. Yet it will shake the Earth again and Heaven, so the things which can be shaken will be removed and what can't be shaken will remain. 

Paul gives closing remarks to continue in love, hospitality, remembering prisoners, honoring marriage, be free from the love of money, not carried off with strange teachings, continually offer a sacrifice of praise with your lips giving thanks to His Name. Do good and share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
  • God speaks to us today through His Son Jesus who became one of us. 
  • Jesus was tempted like us, yet without sin.
  • He is now seated at the right hand of the Father.
  • He is the faithful High Priest of our confession. Let us hold fast our confession and hope until the end.
  • Let us draw near to the throne of grace, receive His mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
  • Let us enter His rest by faith, encouraging each other so no one is hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
  • God has made an oath, a promise--a hope set before us as an anchor of our soul.
  • Jesus was called and sworn in with an oath as the High Priest of this promise.
  • Draw near to Him and allow Him to write upon your mind and put upon your heart the laws of this New Covenant.
  • The earthly, fleshly, temporary copy is being replaced with the heavenly, pure, eternal sanctuary of God.
  • If earthly animal blood cleanses the flesh, how much more does the spotless blood of Christ cleanse our conscience from dead works to serve the living God?!
  • Enter the holy place with confidence and eagerly await His return for salvation.
  • He is and He does. He exists and He does good to those who seek Him.
  • This is faith--knowing the invisible spiritual and eternal things cannot be shaken. They will remain forever.
  • Whatever difficulties, whatever discipline occurs in this temporal realm is preparing the way for eternal rewards--eternal establishments--as we remain faithful and don't give up.

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