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Isaiah |
Isaiah Summaries
Isaiah's vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem during the times from Uzziah to Helzekiah. Israel had rebelled, didn't even know Him. Their land was desolate. He said to remove their evil deeds and learn to do good. He said He would turn His hand against the faithful city also who had become a harlot. But then He would restore it and they'd be called the city of righteousness. His mountain will be called the chief mountain and people will come to be taught the ways of the Lord. He will judge the nations. A remnant in the land will be purged and called holy, to remain as the seed of the stump.
He spoke of the Branch, the Promised One, who will break the yoke of burden. The root of Jesse with the Spirit of the Lord. The seven spirits of God will strike with the rod of His mouth and slay the wicked.
He spoke of the star of the morning who's fallen from heaven. He wanted to ascend above the Most High, he will be brought to Sheol. His sons must not arise and take possession of the earth.
He prophesied concerning Babylon, Assyria, Damascus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Tyre. They will cry out from the west concerning the majesty of the Lord, so glorify Him in the east.
The Lord said He has worked wonderful plans from long ago. Israel will blossom and fill the world with fruit. But they wouldn't listen. Even the priest and prophet reeled with strong drink. All those who are intent on doing evil will be cut off. He offered to save them through repentance and rest, but they were not willing. Blessed are those who long for Him.
He told them their Teacher will no longer hide Himself. He will bless them and heal the wound He's inflicted. There will be refuge, streams, and shade when the Spirit is poured out from on high. Take courage and don't fear.
Sennacherib came and spoke words to produce fear, but Hezekiah prayed and the Lord defeated him. When Hezekiah was ill, he prayed and the Lord gave him 15 more years, but he showed the men of Babylon all his treasures and the Lord told him they would all be carried off to Babylon. Yet, Babylon will be ashamed. He gave Israel into their hands but they did not show mercy.
He told them they fast to solve disputes, not to make their voice be heard on high, not to undo the yoke or free the captives, or give bread to the poor, the homeless, the naked, or even their own flesh. Instead, remove the yoke, the pointing finger, the speaking of wickedness, and take care of the needy. Keep from your own pleasure on the Sabbath and delight in His holy day.
He said that His covenant is His Spirit upon you. His words in His mouth will not depart from you or your children or grandchildren. His holy city will no longer be called Desolate or Forsaken, but "My Delight is in Her" and "Married." He is our Father, our potter. We are the clay, the work of His hands. He will dwell with the humble and contrite, those who tremble at His word.
- The Lord is tired of outward expressions of worship and righteousness which are not sincere.
- The word of the Lord removes dross.
- Judges and counselors can be restored.
- The mountain of the Lord will rise, come and learn His ways.
- The Lord gave the vineyard to the people to produce fruit, but those who get drunk instead and pay no attention to Him will be cast out.
- Man will be humbled, but the Lord will be exalted in judgement, and revealed as holy.
- The remnant who remain will be called holy, purged by the spirit of judgment and burning.
- Recognize the hand of the Lord when it strikes because of sin, but the tool He uses to bring correction should not become arrogant either. The Lord's attention will turn to him.
- The Promised One will be a great light and break the yoke, rule with justice, and there will be no end to His government.
- Give thanks to the Lord when His anger is turned from you. He is your strength and song and has become your salvation.
- The proud will die out.
- False strength will fade.
- When civil war, demoralization, cruel, and foolish leaders, famine, and economic troubles occur, turn to the Lord and cry out to Him.
- Pledge allegiance to Him. He will hear and send a Champion, a Savior, to heal and deliver.
- Don't trust in nations or the weapons of a king, or false gods and idols.
- The Lord clothes with authority for His righteous purposes, but the earth totters under heavy transgression and will be destroyed.
- The Lord will reign in Zion and Jerusalem.
- The judgments of the Lord bring righteousness to those who learn. Give ear and listen.
- He has wonderful plans-a lavish banquet. He will wipe away all tears and remove the reproach of His people.
- Open the gates so the righteous nation may enter.
- Distress comes to those who reject the Lord, refuse His instruction, and make their own plans and alliances. Who honor Him in word only, not in heart.
- The Lord is judge, lawgiver, and king.
- He is the stability of your times.
- When the Spirit is poured out from on High, justice and righteousness will dwell in the land.
- Never mind their threats, walk on the highway of holiness where they can't reach you.
- Spread their threatening letters before the Lord. He will deliver, and all will know He is God.
- What you do in this generation affects the next.
- He does not become weary. He gives strength to the weary.
- The Spirit of God placed upon His Servant is a light to the nations, a covenant of the people.
- Sing a new song from the ends of the earth. Praise Him in the coastlands, He's doing a new thing.
- There is no God besides Him. He has spoken and He'll bring it to pass.
- Return to Him, Israel, He's wiped out your transgressions and sins.
- Your way is not hidden from the Lord. Only the Lord is God. The idols of the nations are nothing. He is the first and last. There is no God besides Him. He has announced and declared and planned, and His purpose will be established.
- He has aroused Cyrus in righteousness.
- The word has gone from His mouth in righteousness and will not turn back.
- Every knee will bow to Him and every tongue swear allegiance.
- He speaks and declares ahead of time what is to come so people will know He is God.
- He tests in the furnace of affliction, but delays and restrains His wrath so His people are not cut off.
- The Promised One has learned the way of a disciple so He knows how to sustain the weary with a word. He has formed Him in the womb to be a servant. He's given Him the tongue and ear of a disciple so He knows how to sustain the weary with a word. He was obedient, sacrificed Himself. A law will go forth. He bore our griefs and sorrows, all of our iniquities.
- Zion and Jerusalem, you've drunken the cup of the Lord's anger, but never again.
- Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near.
- He has interceded and no weapon formed against you will prosper.
- You will be established in righteousness. Listen carefully to Him.
- God's thoughts and ways are higher. They water the earth and make it bud, as does His spoken word. They return to Him having accomplished His intended purpose.
- He who takes refuge in the Lord will inherit the land and possess His holy mountain.
- He lives in a high and holy place, but also with the humble and contrite spirit.
- In the day of your fast, remove the yoke, the pointing finger, the wicked ways. Take care of the needy.
- Delight in His Sabbath.
- Watchmen, do not be silent. Those who remind the Lord--don't rest or let Him rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.